Thursday, June 28, 2012

Provident Living

Provident Living: Item of the month: WonderBox Oven- $37.95

This is a great way to conserve fuel for cooking in an emergency, or any time if you are so inclined. Wonderbox Ovens work kind of like a crock pot- you have to plan ahead and let the food cook for several hours. The main difference is wonderbox ovens use no electricity and it will keep cold things cold as well. For more information you can call or email Stephanie Ivey: 801-331-6631 or go to this website:

They will be ordered from the following website:
Steph is planning on getting the filled boxes (ready-to-use straight out of the box) and picking them up (no shipping costs). There are three different fabrics to choose from, so please specify if you would like the black/buzzing daisy, brown/purple, or teal/wildflower. Thank you! Money due by July 29th.

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