Saturday, June 30, 2012

Relief Society Soup & Salad Nights

Sisters, we have just hit our two year mark of doing soup and salad
night to celebrate your birthdays each month.  It has been so much
fun, and we have loved getting to know each of you better.  As a
presidency, we have decided that it is time to focus our time and
attention on other things, so we will no longer be doing our monthly
dinner.   We wanted to thank you for your time, dedication, and
support to each of our soup and salad nights.  You all are wonderful
and we love each and every one of you.  Thanks again!

The RS Presidency

Thursday, June 28, 2012

**Prayers for Alisa**

We ask that you keep Alisa Linton and her family in your prayers. Alisa is the perfect example of strength, faith, courage, hope, endurance and being an amazing example to those around her....all while battling Melanoma. She has overcome so many obstacles, has had miracles and is in need of another miracle. We ask for your faith, hope and your prayers in Alisa's behalf.

For current information check out her blog @

To view Alisa's story check out her past blog @

July Birthday's

Happy Birthday:

Haylie Worthen (2)
Shari Jackson (5)
Naomi Wood (7)
Harley Spier (8)
Bonnie Jacobs (9)
Becki McCune (9)
Julia Whitehead (11)
Rebecca Carter (14)
Kathy Urry (14)
Mary Willden (14)
Paula Gonzalez (17)
Margarita Rios (20)
Wendy Chilton (21)
Shannon Gibson (23)
Alycia Moore (26)
Carol Kunz (27)
Kimberly Bone (28)
Kimberly Hurst (28)
DeeDee Evans (30)

Provident Living

Provident Living: Item of the month: WonderBox Oven- $37.95

This is a great way to conserve fuel for cooking in an emergency, or any time if you are so inclined. Wonderbox Ovens work kind of like a crock pot- you have to plan ahead and let the food cook for several hours. The main difference is wonderbox ovens use no electricity and it will keep cold things cold as well. For more information you can call or email Stephanie Ivey: 801-331-6631 or go to this website:

They will be ordered from the following website:
Steph is planning on getting the filled boxes (ready-to-use straight out of the box) and picking them up (no shipping costs). There are three different fabrics to choose from, so please specify if you would like the black/buzzing daisy, brown/purple, or teal/wildflower. Thank you! Money due by July 29th.

RS Stake Clothing Exchange: Saturday, July 14th

RS Stake Clothing Exchange: Saturday, July 14th.  It’s time to go through closets and drawers for items to be donated for our Stake Clothing Drive. We need quality men’s, women’s teenage, children and infants clothes and shoes as well as accessories and backpacks. If it is still in style, clean and in nearly new condition… we want it. Please drop off donations to Sharon Mathews (1645 North 250 West) anytime between now and July 13th. Whether you donate or not, you are welcome to come to the Exchange and take what you need. We’d love to be able to cut down your back to school shopping bill, but we’ll need your donations!

New Babies!

Congratulations to Hailee and Ryan Roberts on the birth of their baby boy, James Michael Roberts on Tues., June 12th. He weighed 7 lbs 5 oz and was 20 inches long.

Congratulations to Michelle & Robert Squire on the birth of their baby boy, Porter Finn. He was born June 20th weighing 6.9 pounds and was 18.5 inches long.

Visiting Teaching Message

Demonstrating Our Discipleship through Love and Service

Throughout His mortal life, Jesus Christ showed His love for others by ministering to them. He said, “By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another” (John 13:35). He set the example and wants us to “succor those that stand in need of [our] succor” (Mosiah 4:16). He calls His disciples to work with Him in His ministry, giving them the opportunity to serve others and become more like Him.

Our service as visiting teachers will closely resemble the ministry of our Savior when we show our love for those we visit teach by doing the following:

*Remember their names and the name of their family members and become acquainted with them.

*Love them without judging them.

*Watch over them and strengthen their faith “one by one,” as the Savior did (3 Nephi 11:15).

*Establish sincere Friendships with them and visit them in their homes and elsewhere.

*Care about each sister. Remember birthdays, graduations, weddings, baptisms, or other times that are meaningful to her.

*Reach out to new and less-active members.

*Reach out to the lonely or those in need of comfort.

July Relief Society Lessons

July 1- Presidency Message by Becki Wilcox

July 8- GP #13 “Doing Our Part to Share the Gospel”

July 15- GP #14 “How to Share the Gospel Effectively”

July 22- TFOT “The Merciful Obtain Mercy” by Pres. Dieter F. Uchtodrf

July 29- 5th Sunday Lesson by Bishopric