Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Relief Society Sunday Lessons

February 6, 2011-#24-The Sabbath Day
February 13, 2011-#25-Fasting
February 20, 2011-Ward Conference
February 27, 2011-TFOT-"Courageous Parenting"-Elder Larry R. Lawrence

Relief Society Dates to Remember

February 13, 2011 at 1:30pm-RS committee meeting at Amy Rindlisbacher's house. We will be planning and going over all the activities for the year.

Visiting Teaching

"The beauty of visiting teaching is not to see 100 percent on the monthly report; the beauty of visiting teaching is seeing lives changed, tears wiped away, testimonies growing, people loved, families strengthened, people cheered, the hungry fed, the sick visited, and those who are mourning comforted. Actually, visited teaching is never done because we watch over and strengthen always." Barbara Thompson 2nd Counselor of the General Relief Society Presidency.

Service Opportunities

Call a friend, neighbor, visiting teaching companion or someone you visit teach and ask how they are doing or if they need anything. Maybe all they need is someone to talk to or just know that someone cares!

Family History and Temple Work

Ward temple night: Friday, February 11, 2011-6:30pm session. Call the Drakes if you want to carpool-801-766-5529. Next month: Thursday, March 10, 2011-6:30pm session.

Provident Living

Item of the month: Sick of rotating your food storage? Ever heard of freeze dried foods? When stored in the right conditions they can last up to 25 years. This month’s provident living item of the month is a #10 can of freeze dried whole strawberries. Great on oatmeal, cereal, smoothies, trail mix and more. Cost is $18.00 money due to Laura Winters by Sunday the 27th. Email or watch for sign up sheets.

Fun Friends and Neighbors

Wednesday January 5th-April 27th, excluding March 23rd-Relief Society Basketball
8:30-10:00pm at the Stake Center-all levels of play welcome!

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