July 3th, 2011-Presidency Message by Becki Wilcox
July 10, 2011-GP#33- Missionary Work
July 17th, 2011-TFOT-"Desires" by Elder Dallin H. Oaks
July 24th, 2011-GP #34-"Developing Our Talents"
July 31st, 2011-5th Sunday-Bishopric
Dates to Remember
Relief Society Committee meeting-Sunday July 10th at 2:30
Brynn Stewart's house 1419 Nuttall Drive.
Ward Party- July 30th at 6:00pm at the North Stake Center Pavilion.
Lehi East Stake "Annual Family Clothing Exchange"-Saturday July 30th-8am to 2pm
Are your kids growing faster than they can wear out their favorite clothes and shoes? Do you buy a backpack every year even though last year’s is still in perfect condition? We are in need of your gently used, fashionably cute, fresh laundered clothing, backpacks and shoes! July is the time to go through drawers and closets. We will accept costumes, backpacks, bags, jewlery and purses, clothing of all sizes, including infant, that are free from holes and damage, are clean and size labeled clearly with masking tape or a small sticker. Drop off clothing to Marie Few or Sherri Bradford by Friday July 29th at 3pm. Bring your own shopping bag(s) to carry out your finds!
Visiting Teaching
Visiting Teaching Message: Come to the Temple and Claim Your Blessings
“We go fist to the temple for ourselves. ‘The primary purpose of the temple,’ explained Elder Robert D. Hales of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, ‘is to provide the ordinances necessary for our exaltation in the celestial kingdom. Temple ordinances guide us to our Savior and give us the blessings that come to us through the Atonement of Jesus Christ.’”
“But our temple service does not end there. President Boyd K. Packer, President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, taught: ‘Acting as proxy for someone who has gone beyond the veil, you will have reviewed before you the covenants that you have made. You will have reinforced in your mind the great spiritual blessings that are associated with the house of the Lord.’”
“Come to the temple and then come again. Making and keeping temple covenants will keep us on course to the greatest of all blessings—eternal life.”
Barbara Thompson, second counselor in the Relief Society General Presidency
VT Moment
Provident Living
Money is due by July 31 to Jill Ingles. Watch for sign-up sheets or call Jill at 801-822-6168 with questions.
Fun Friends and Neighbors
Tuesdays Playgroup: Park play dates for July (and 1 in August)
July 12: Allred Park 560 North 750 West Lehi (volleyball, basketball) http://www.lehi-ut.gov/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/ParksMap3.pdf
Game Night: (August) This is a little early but it's at the beginning of next month.

VT Moment
I'm going to tell the story of how I gained a testimony of visit teaching and that the Lord sends us the perfect visit teachers who can help and give us what we need at the time. We are blessed as we make an effort to get to know the sisters we are assigned to and do our best to be there for them when they need us.
Soon after my oldest daughter (Tia) was born, my husband (Steve) decided he did not want to pursue his law degree anymore. He wanted to go back to school and get a nurse practitioner degree instead. So we made a leap of faith and moved to Logan where Steve would begin his RN degree.
We found the cheapest apartment we dared to live in, which happened to be the "old" married student housing on campus. These apartments had washer hook-ups, but no dryer hook-ups. We didn't have the money to use a laudromat, so I had to hang dry all our clothes. This was quite an adventure in the winter. Logan is a cold place. Often it took most of the week to get the clothes dry.
After a few months I learned of the existence of a clothes dryer with a 110 plug--genious! The problem was that those who had these amazing appliances had waiting lists of people ready to buy them as soon as they moved. I gave up hope of ever owning one and pressed forward.
The following summer I was assigned new visit teachers (Janiece and Erin). At first I wasn't sure what we would have to talk about--these ladies were so different from me. But over the summer we became good friends.
That fall I found out I was pregnant with our second child. It was another rough pregnancy. I was terribly sick and having bleeding problems. I was put on bedrest--a nearly impossible thing to do when you have a Tia running around. My visit teachers saved me. They arranged for meals, cleaned my apartment, took Tia to the park each week, and even did my grocery shopping a few times.
A week before Christmas break (3 months into bedrest) Janiecel came to visit. She told me she was going to buy a house nearby, so she would be moving out at the end of the semester. Then she told me the story of the Visit Teacher Dryer. 2 years before she had been given a 110 clothes dryer by her visit teacher. The rules were to enjoy it as much as possible while you have it. When the time gets close for you to move, the Lord will assign you to visit teach someone who needs it. When you move, you explain the rules and pass it on. This dryer was 15 years old and still working! I was so excited. I think I actually shed a few tears the first time I pulled warm, dry clothes out it.
Three months later the dryer broke--yes, my good fortune died. Of course it would finally give up just as I was getting used to having it. I was heartbroken. I was still on bedrest and I needed that dryer! I prayed for a miracle. Steve decided to take it apart and see if he could figure out what was wrong. (He is a pretty good fixer) He figured out that it needed a new belt and turny-wheel-thingies. The parts would cost $69--an amount we didn't have. I lost hope again. As he was putting it back together he found a gold ring mixed in with the lint that had gathered in the bottom. After calling Rachel and determining it wasn't hers and she had no idea how to get in touch with any other owners, we took the ring to a jeweler. He gave us $75 for it--just enough to fix the dryer. Happiness again!!
I loved that dryer for one more year, and then I passed it on to one of my visit teachers. It felt so good to be able to help someone out. I wonder if that dryer is still circulating.......
Provident Living
1- A 5-in-1-survival whistle. Each survival whistle contains: waterproof matchbox (matches not included), liquid filled luminous dial compass, shrill signal whistle, signal mirror and flint firestart. Each one is $1.60 including tax.
2- A 9 LED flashlight. LED flashlights are long lasting and extra bright, making them great for emergency kits. The long lasting LEDs virtually never need replacing, making this a light that will last for years to come. Each one is $4.25 including tax.
Fun Friends and Neighbors
Tuesdays Playgroup: Park play dates for July (and 1 in August)
July 12: Allred Park 560 North 750 West Lehi (volleyball, basketball) http://www.lehi-ut.gov/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/ParksMap3.pdf
July 19: American Fork Library Park ("Robinson Park) 64 S. 100 E. American Fork (SHADE)
July 26: Highland Splash Pad 10989 Town Center Road Highland (WATER) (Just south of the Wendy's on SR-92)
Aug 2: Pleasant Grove Discovery Park 1550 N. 100 E. Pleasant Grove-part of Manila park. (Volleyball, baseball, soccer)
Game Night:
We will be having a BBQ, game night and an outdoor movie in the Brown and Harris' combined yards on July 18th! Come join the fun, bring your own meat and something to share. We will be pulling grills down and are planning a few games. Spread the word!
July 26: Highland Splash Pad 10989 Town Center Road Highland (WATER) (Just south of the Wendy's on SR-92)
Aug 2: Pleasant Grove Discovery Park 1550 N. 100 E. Pleasant Grove-part of Manila park. (Volleyball, baseball, soccer)
Game Night:
We will be having a BBQ, game night and an outdoor movie in the Brown and Harris' combined yards on July 18th! Come join the fun, bring your own meat and something to share. We will be pulling grills down and are planning a few games. Spread the word!
Game Night: (August) This is a little early but it's at the beginning of next month.